Jessica Chastain – The Zookeeper’s Wife

Jessica Chastain lying in bed with a guy, on her side at first and then rolling onto her back and flashing her left breast before she pulls a sheet up. She then turns and sits up, showing her bare back while...

Irina Voronina – Killing Hasselhoff

Irina Voronina sunbathing topless as a guy looks at her from the next chair over, Irina showing bare breasts while in a pink bikini bottom. After a while, she turns her head to look at him and smiles.

Diane Kruger – Sky

Diane Kruger - Sky

Kristen Stewart – Personal Shopper

Kristen Stewart lying topless on her side on a doctor's table as he gives her breast a sonogram. She then sits up and walks across the room, still without her shirt on. In the second scene, Kristen...

Amanda Fuller – Fashionista

Amanda Fuller - Fashionista

Rose Rinaldi – The Abduction of Jennifer Grayson

Rose Rinaldi running through a field holding a sheet but then dropping it to go faster, revealing that she is topless in a pair of panties. We then get a closer view as she ducks into a barn as she tries to escape...